Submission Guidelines

well then.
back again.
we need your words.
we need your bleeding hearts.
your fluttering darkness and uplifting sickness
for issue 3.

we are now taking submissions.

and feel good about it.

also.  if you want to just leave
us your email, get on the mailing list and not submit..please
use same mailbox....visual artists
please drop us a line too.  we will
be dedicating many issues to that.

you will want to be updated
for the actual website launch.

killpoet will be a fancy little village
for all of us to play.  our words and art
showcased.  a community drawn in ink
and paint and pencil.

you will be able to make your own profile
and take off.  let us keep you updated on that.
sign up on the mailing list.




 1.  Send 2 to 4 pieces in the body of an email or as an attachment to killpoet mailbox

        ....headline the email ISSUE 4 SUBMISSIONS. 

        you don't actually have to cap it. ;) 

        make sure the TITLE is easily visible before each poem submitted.

   2.  like ISSUE 3....our theme for this issue is the jarred residue of your psyche...

        however that may come out.  a cohesive amalgam  of work will be featured in ISSUE 4.

   3.  Expect 2 to 4 weeks to hear back a reply on whether or not the piece will be used in an

        upcoming issue.  Deliberations over each piece will consist of 7 total readers scouring your

         hotness.  The other 5 members are shadows.  Unbiased third party lovers of word art and

        visual art.  Like the unknown members of the MPAA, we will keep their identities secret so

        as to not tempt any of you all to murder them if the results turn out bad.  Feel free to conduct

        such violence against Billy and Jason.  They need it anyway and would look upon the gesture

         as highly favorable.  And.  Remember that if you don't get into that issue, no worries, we will

        be putting these out very regularly.  More than likely they didn't fit in to the feel of that specific

        issue.  Not because they weren't good.  You are all made of stars.

   4. Include a BIO and PICTURE and WEBLINK to your site of choice with your submissions.