unrequited abstinence

part 2

in the days between no longer seeing you naked
and no longer seeing you naked
my mind swallows goldfish while waiting things out
banging it's face against these little castles
stranded at the bottom of your aquarium
the straight jacket you sold me is bent
and the gravel down here is cheap pink
and cheats at cards and my nerves feel
like a recently discovered earth like planet
that's just crashed into a root beer float
the size of a million A&W restaurants
strapped together with the left over chicken bits
that were formed by some sort of behind the scenes
alien KFC merger and braided into string

By rob geisen

brief bio: 36 years old. live in Boulder, CO.
9 books of poetry published
on various kick ass small presses
(farfalla press, amber lodge,
baobob tree press). Host a weekly open mic/poetry
reading at the Burnt Toast in Boulder.
Contributing editor for Illiterate Magazine
(illiteratemagazine.com). Co-editor for
Baobob Tree Press (chap book press which
publishes up and coming poets around Boulder/Denver area)
(baobobtreepress.com (under construction),
myspace/baobobtreepress.com). Poems/short stories
published in various newspapers/magazines/anthologies.
Obsessed with zombie movies. Terrified of sharks. New fan of Killpoet.