My first time

I explained to her at Olive Garden
That I felt like the main dish on
Fear Factor and it didn't help
That she was about to use her
Delicate tongue on my angry
Lion because her kitty was
So tame and soft
No hair or scent
But mine was a wild
And drooling beast
Ready for any sort of
Grooming, and yet I still
Feel sorry for her
As if I forced her to spread
My legs and taste my
After-dance pheromones
And it was no wonder I was
Insecure with her staring
At my primitive cave
With him shouting off
Drill commands on how
Far inside and how long
To go
I wonder if he were non-
Existent, would we have
Ever faced each other's

by hush prelude

hush prelude is the pansy who waited until
Issue tres to submit her work.
Jason would like everyone to know
That hush prelude is only a practicing hooker
In her head, and if you would like a
Free consultation, no obligation brochure
Of all her fine work you can find it here.