
Mommy’s agnosia is still felt
expectation of matriarchy, obstinate.
She is not thinking, while a man is nowhere
now here; nothing found of that forefather territory.
Two-year-olds extricate the other;
cleaves and stares down bath drain,
word dribbles out sounding much like,
“I wonder what that means”.

Remind us indolent scars, or artifacts, of that capricious experience:

Narcissists’ self-involved keys in pockets.
The romantic bachelors living in fiction
novels amuse boredom with destiny;
open doors of blue pallor surfaces, territorial conquest.

We never own sorry, too; there's nothing forgiven:
that Misanthrope should have thought,
not an object but a xenophobic monster
-- magical charms, panache. A reaching effect unplugged
Now, now with most pensive presupposed
garbage in, garbage out. Oh, that
I could have broken the window glass
tossing out hearts made of stone, bleed an amulet

in margins. All of us twisted mouths,
smells sulfur, noxious memory is this breathy prayer
-- calcium relics decompose. Say sorry:
I said I love you; you don’t mean that.

by angelina herrera

Angelina Herrera passes the time in Cincinnati, Ohio. A maven of domesticated enterprises, most of that time is dedicated to raising her three-year-old Olivier. But wait, aside from that, she also spends expensive time involved in the lucrative, useful study of Philosophy at a public university. Angelina is a hysterical feminist, as described by most male counterparts, with a prolific interest in metaphysics -- earning her the honorary, scapegoat label of witchcraft practitioner; rather than the title of iconoclast.