1. send 3 to 5 pieces of poetry/fiction/essays
by filling out the form
at the bottom of this page.
for all other correspondence
drop your word.s here killpoet mailbox


2. the only theme we have
that threads killpoet together
is you writing at your natural best
in the form that suits you...whatever that is
refer to past issues as guidance to what
we like and then understand
that your piece(s) could be totally different
from what you just saw
and we could still like it if it's
you in your natural habitat
if that above statement doesn't make sense
then i doubt you will really want to be part
of our family....yet
an amalgam of work will be featured in online issues
and print ventures.
if you refer to or use the word.s:
"booze (or any of its counterparts),
"deviant sex," or
"poem," then the piece
better be really fucking good.


2a. No bio's longer than your poem.
If you must recite the laundry list
of places you have been published
in your bio, please do it in your mind
and then write a bio that is completely
falsified and has the qualities of:
it can be a true bio as well
but if it is. We would prefer
that you address your insecurities
in scantily clad sentances that can
be taken in multiple ways.

2c. no simultaneous submissions.

3. expect 4 to 6 weeks to hear back a reply
on whether or not the piece will be used in
an upcoming issue or print venture.
if the results turn out bad for you.
and you feel the need to indict yourself
and your own lack of control over being rejected
please feel free to conduct that sophomoric behavior
towards our email. we will act as a mirror
for your lack of maturity. also,
billy's ghost
will take it in stride from eternity. judging
whether the intensity of your vitriol
was effective
or just pathetic.

remember, that if you
don't get into that issue or print venture, no worries, we will
be putting these out regularly. more than likely
they didn't fit in to the feel of that specific
issue. not because they aren't good.
you are all made of stars




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