there is a madness about this
like staying up for days and days
wild eyed and bushy tailed
we scurry to God
praying for forgiveness
at dusk
we offer ourselves to each other
we abandon all hope
we cry for Him, God! God! God!
but it is only we who come
in a tangle
in the moonlight
__glint in my eye
__flame in your heart
there is a madness about this
like staying up for days and days
seeking love inside a keyboard
a word, a kiss, a brokenhearted sob
In real little life
I tuck myself into you
you deep, soft, wet-warm
you swamp woman fleshpot
__how I cry for you
__how I miss your stark unusualness

at dawn
we hurry our shamefaced breakfast
our snakefruits of embarrassment
sorry sorry sorry sorry
we scurry to work, to church
there is a madness about this
like staying up for days and days
glazed-out speed freak, matchstick eyes
I crash through my office wall
keyboards flying
dreams colliding
__are you still dripping?
__I want to drink you
there is a madness about this
like staying up for days and days
with a ringing in my ears
time all twisted
like today is pending and
yesterday lost in the wilderness
I heard
you killed me savagely
for lunch

By xc

XC is a blog writer. That's all.
He spent 13 months writing self-obsessed
prose and poetry on MySpace and is
now hiding out in RealSpace writing only
in the air with a twig while running long
distances. No one can read it. He lives
at various times in California,
Pennsylvania and New York City.