99% Virgin

Delirium drips
from crooked teeth,

like mildew and
butter in frying pan

replace courage,
replace her,

I sit at table
crumbs fall
off a better day,

and know

a delicate moment
with smile of a liar,

I stand
when called.

my god!
i'm trying,
yet inherent
trait prevents
running to,

as always,
running from.

locked in
red theater,
premier dances
behind green curtain
ragged and scorched
at its edges,
too many
times closed,

my eyes
to you.

to betray
what she thinks
just one time,

the world to me.

But this is me,
imprinted by
virgin genius,
of a
designed lust
fully flawed,
fully inept.

distinct modality
extinct morality

what falls from me
is exactly that,
broken teeth
on broken day,
on broken day
on broken day
on broken day
on broken day

jaw drop
and wait
for the next
plate to break

in my kitchen alone...

by WjB

william knows who you are, but doesn't care.
william is only committed to kill poet press.
he loves his KP partner jsyn and his dog tobey.
and when he's not thinking of kill poet press,
or lestat's west, chances are,
he's still not thinking of you.